Thursday, July 9, 2009

Double Take Cupcakes

Hmm.. what should I do with all these yellow jelly beans??

Make Corn on the Cob cupcakes of course!
What could be better for summer time BBQ's?

What you need:
Make any vanilla cupcake you love.
Buy about 4 cups of yellow and cream jelly bellys (I used pineapple, buttered popcorn and pina colada)
1 can of vanilla frosting - add a few drops of yellow food coloring
4 pieces of yellow fruit chews for the butter (I used laffy taffy)
Corn holders

Here's how:
Work with three cupcakes at a time
Ice them with the yellow tinted frosting
Arrange 4-5 rows of jelly beans close together on each cupcake
Place the cupcakes side by side and stick in the corn holders on the sides.
Cut the laffy taffy in half and soften the edges with your fingers to make it look melted.
Put the butter on top- repeat with remaining cupcakes and arrange everything on a serving platter!

Why not make some Peas and Carrots while I'm at it?

Cut a few orange tootsie rolls into 1/4 inch cubes...

Pull out all of the green Runts from 1 box
Tint you frosting Green....

And there you have it! Peas and Carrots!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Cake

For my dads birthday he requested an ALL chocolate cake. And this is what I created.
It was gooey, moist and delicious. People were licking the chocolate ganache right off their plates.

Use any chocolate cake recipe you know and love.
(Bake two round cakes)
For the filling I used Betty Crocker chocolate chocolate chip icing.
Pour the chocolate ganache all over it. The messier the better.
And then I topped it with a few chocolate chips!

Chocolate Ganache:
6 oz. Chocolate morsels
6 tablespoons of Heavy Whipping Cream
3 tablespoons of butter

In a small saucepan heat the cream and butter until just before boiling
Pour over the Chocolate morsels, let stand for 20 seconds
Then stir until smooth!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Birthday Cupcakes!

My niece turned 7, so naturally I had to make her cupcakes. Her party was Luau themed and I thought these cupcakes were perfect! I made chocolate and vanilla with a buttercream frosting that I piped on using a piping bag and large tip.

I Love these bright colored sugar sprinkles!

I always have left over batter, so I usually make these cute mini cupcakes so nothing goes to waste!(they can be dangerous though- I find myself eating a ton of them because they are so little!)

The kids seemed to enjoy them!!

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Here are a few other pictures from the party! We had a blast!


Monday, May 25, 2009

Carrot Cake!

So, my friend Jordyn and I are taking a cake decorating class. It has been very fun so far.. but kind of challenging! I'll share with you the recipe I used for this past weeks cake.. it was one of  Paula Deen's (hey ya'll!) (sorry, I have to say that every time I hear her name) recipes. It's called Grandma Hiers' Carrot Cake. I used two 8 in. cake rounds. For the filling, I made the cream cheese frosting and added about a tablespoon of freshly squeezed orange juice for an 'Orange Cream Cheese Filling'.
The cake was SUPER moist and delicious! 

Click Here for the recipe

After you make the cake, let it cool and then make the cream cheese filling.
In class, we are taught to make a border around the edges so the filling doesn't leak out.
then put in your filling...
and stack your cakes..
and frost it... I usually put a big glob in the middle and work it down the sides
and it's time to take it to class!
Can't forget the flowers I made for decoration!
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The mess and the finished cake!
Mine and Jordyn's cake @ class. (There's our teacher in the back!)
The best part... Time to eat!!!