Make Corn on the Cob cupcakes of course!
What could be better for summer time BBQ's?
What you need:
Make any vanilla cupcake you love.
Buy about 4 cups of yellow and cream jelly bellys (I used pineapple, buttered popcorn and pina colada)
1 can of vanilla frosting - add a few drops of yellow food coloring
4 pieces of yellow fruit chews for the butter (I used laffy taffy)
Corn holders
Here's how:
Work with three cupcakes at a time
Ice them with the yellow tinted frosting
Arrange 4-5 rows of jelly beans close together on each cupcake
Place the cupcakes side by side and stick in the corn holders on the sides.
Cut the laffy taffy in half and soften the edges with your fingers to make it look melted.
Put the butter on top- repeat with remaining cupcakes and arrange everything on a serving platter!